AI Can Now Detect Tumors, Study Shows

[Science Saw] – A New Study Shows that AI Can Now Detect Tumors.


  • Scientists have created an AI detective for colonoscopies, spotting tiny adenomas that could lead to colon cancer.
  • This AI tool excels at finding adenomas, even those that are challenging for less experienced doctors.
  • The AI’s main job is to reduce missed detections during colonoscopies, aiding tired or less experienced doctors in spotting potential tumors.
  • Acting as an extra set of eyes, the AI helps doctors navigate the challenges of colonoscopies, especially in identifying small, easy-to-miss tumors.
  • Beyond colonoscopies, the scientists developed AI-Endo, a platform to train doctors in gastrointestinal cancer surgery, using real-time predictions to help less experienced surgeons.
  • Ways of preventing colon tumors.

In a new study, scientists at the Chinese University of Hong Kong have discovered that artificial intelligence (AI) can actually help less experienced doctors become superstars at finding tumors during colonoscopies.

So, these smart scientists created a special AI tool that is like a super detective during colonoscopies. You know how doctors use colonoscopies to look inside your colon?

Well, this AI tool is like an extra set of eyes that can spot tiny growths called adenomas, which are usually really hard to find.

Why are these adenomas a big deal?

Because if they are not found, they could turn into colon cancer. And we definitely don’t want that.

The AI tool is like a superhero that helps doctors, especially the newer ones who might miss these small growths, catch them before they turn into something serious.

This AI tool is excellent at finding these small growths that might otherwise go unnoticed. It’s kind of like having a powered microscope that can see things that regular eyes might miss.

The team of scientists at the university started using this AI tool in colonoscopies in 2021, and they have been studying it to make sure it’s doing its job well.

The goal here is to reduce the “miss rate” during colonoscopies. You see, sometimes doctors can be tired or not have a lot of experience and they might accidentally miss these tiny growths.

And if they are missed, there is a chance they could turn into cancer later on. The AI tool is like a buddy for the doctors helping them spot potential tumors in the videos they see during the colonoscopy.

Doing a regular colonoscopy can be a bit tricky for doctors. They have to use a flexible tube with a tiny camera at the end and insert it into your colon through the rectum.

It’s like a real-life mini-movie exploration inside your body. But the AI tool makes it easier for doctors by being that extra pair of eyes, looking for any potential trouble.

In simple terms, the AI tool is like a sidekick for doctors during colonoscopies. It watches videos from inside your body and helps identify potential tumors, especially the small ones that could be trouble later on.

But wait, there is more to this. The scientists didn’t stop there. They also made another thing called AI-Endo. It’s like an AI-based platform that helps train doctors for surgeries to remove early-stage gastrointestinal cancer.

It uses fancy stats and helps doctors predict what steps to take during surgery, making it easier for the less experienced ones to learn quickly.

Now, here’s the interesting part: public hospitals in Hong Kong have already bought this AI tool without any strict rules on how to use it.

The doctor leading the study hopes that the good results they found will convince more doctors and hospitals to use this awesome AI tool.

Colon Tumors

Colon tumors are abnormal growths that can appear in the colon or rectum. They come in different sizes and types, from harmless growths called polyps to dangerous tumors that can spread to other parts of the body.

Knowing about these tumors, what causes them, how to find them and how to treat them is really important for preventing colorectal cancer.

Usually, colorectal tumors start from polyps, which are like small bumps on the inside of the colon or rectum. If these polyps aren’t taken care of, some of them can turn into cancerous tumors over time.

We’re not exactly sure what causes these tumors, but there are things that can increase the chances of getting them.

This includes getting older, having a family history of colorectal cancer, having certain bowel diseases or not having a healthy diet or lifestyle.

Finding colon tumors early is important because it can help with treatment and improve the chances of getting better.

There are different ways to check for colon tumors, like getting a colonoscopy or doing special tests on your poop.

Colonoscopy is often the best way to screen for colorectal cancer because it lets doctors see the entire colon and remove any polyps they find during the procedure.

Ways of Preventing Colon Tumors

Keeping your colon healthy is super important to ward off colorectal cancer. These are some lifestyle tips that can help you steer clear of colon tumors:

Eat Right

Get Your Fiber Fix: Load up on whole grains, veggies, and fruits for that fiber boost. It keeps your bowel movements regular and might lower your chances of getting colon tumors.

Easy on the Meat: Cut down on red and processed meats. Research hints that munching on too much of these might increase your risk of colorectal cancer.

Stay Active: Break a Sweat Regularly. Whether it’s a quick walk, a jog or a bike ride staying active not only keeps you fit but also keeps your bowels in check. It’s like a double win against colon tumors.

Watch Your Weight: Keep it in check. Being overweight has been linked to a higher risk of colorectal cancer. So, hit the gym and munch on those veggies to stay on the healthy side.

Easy on the Booze: Sip Smartly. Too much alcohol might increase your risk of colorectal cancer. Keep it moderate, or, better yet, give it a break.

Ditch the Smoke: Smoking is a known culprit for many cancers, including colorectal cancer. Quitting smoking is a solid move to cut down on your chances of colon tumors.

Guzzle that Water: Stay hydrated. It helps your overall health and keeps your bowels happy, lowering the risk of colon tumors.

Keep Up with Checkups: Screen Smartly. Follow the screening guidelines for colorectal cancer. Regular checkups, including colonoscopies can spot and remove potential trouble before it turns into a tumor.

Know Your Family Story: Family First. If colorectal cancer or polyps run in your family, give your doctor a heads up. You might need earlier or more frequent screenings.

Consider Aspirin (Ask a Pro First) and Pop with Caution. Some studies suggest aspirin might lower colorectal cancer risk. But hold up – it comes with risks. Talk to your healthcare pro before making it a daily habit.

Treat Your Gut Right: Probiotics and Prebiotics FTW. Foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut and fiber-packed goodies are great for your gut. A happy gut means a lower risk of colon tumors.

Manage Chronic Conditions: Keep it in Check. If you have conditions like diabetes or inflammatory bowel diseases, managing them well can help keep colon tumors at bay.

Stay Informed and Speak Up: Be in the Know. Learn about ways to prevent colorectal cancer and the recommended screenings.

Speak up about any concerns with your healthcare providers and be an active participant in your health journey.

Embrace a healthy lifestyle, stay on top of screenings and chat with your healthcare team for personalized advice based on your unique health profile.

Meanwhile, these scientists in Hong Kong have created an AI tool that is like an assistant for doctors during colonoscopies.

It helps find tiny growths that could turn into cancer if they are missed. And they have even made another AI thing to help train doctors for cancer surgeries.

The hope is that more hospitals will start using this AI tool to make sure they catch potential problems early and keep everyone healthy.

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