A Unique Approach to Detect Intoxication, Study Finds

[Science Saw] – A new study reveals a unique approach to detecting intoxication.


  • The study presents a new method for alcohol intoxication detection using voice analysis, leveraging everyday devices like mobile phones.
  • Researchers aim for a practical solution with voice analysis, making alcohol detection more accessible and feasible.
  • The successful development of a machine learning model with 98% accuracy in predicting intoxication proves the concept’s potential.
  • Researchers stress the need for diverse participant groups to refine the study’s findings.
  • Findings highlight voice analysis’s potential in alcohol detection, emphasizing the journey towards a universally applicable method for public health and safety.
  • Also, there are ways to detect intoxication early in order to prevent accidents.

Detecting Intoxication

Alcohol, a substance deeply ingrained in various cultural and social practices worldwide, has been part of human history for centuries.

From being used to purify drinking water to fueling cars and rockets, its diverse applications are undeniable.

While alcohol brings joy and serves various purposes, excessive consumption poses serious health risks. This includes addiction, liver diseases, cardiovascular issues and an elevated risk of certain cancers.

Researchers in Canada recently delved into the realm of alcohol intoxication detection, seeking a practical and unobtrusive method.

Currently, specialized tools like transdermal alcohol sensors and portable breath alcohol meters accurately estimate blood alcohol content. However, it comes with drawbacks like high costs and limited availability.

In contrast, the team aimed to explore the potential of voice analysis. It utilizes widely available everyday devices like mobile phones and microphones.

The study, led by Brian Suffoletto and his colleagues, involved 18 participants with an average age of 29, predominantly male.

The participants were tasked with reading a tongue-twister aloud. That is, before consuming a vodka-lime-syrup mixture designed to elevate their breath alcohol concentration above 0.20%.

Over the next seven hours, alcohol levels were monitored, and participants continued to read tongue twisters.

The recordings served as the foundation for developing a machine-learning model. It achieves an impressive 98% accuracy in predicting alcohol intoxication.

More so, the findings present a groundbreaking proof-of-concept for using voice samples to identify alcohol intoxication. The study acknowledges the need for a more diverse participant pool and varied voice samples to refine the model.

Limitations of the Study

While this research marks a valuable contribution to the field, it’s essential to recognize its limitations.

The study focused on a small sample of English speakers who cooperated willingly, which may not reflect real-world scenarios where participants might actively conceal their intoxication.

This innovative approach, despite its preliminary nature, highlights the potential of voice analysis for detecting alcohol intoxication without the need for expensive and specialized devices.

As the researchers rightly emphasize, further studies with larger and more diverse participant groups are crucial to advancing the science of remote alcohol intoxication detection.

The journey to a comprehensive and universally applicable method to identify alcohol intoxication through voice analysis is underway, promising a practical and accessible solution in the realm of public health and safety.


Intoxication happens when someone’s under the influence of drugs or alcohol, messing with their mind and body. It can mess with judgment, make them act recklessly, mess up their coordination and slow down their reactions.

You can get intoxicated from booze, medications, illegal drugs or even some stuff you find around the house.

Booze is a biggie when it comes to getting intoxicated. Drink too much, and you might slur your words, stumble around or even pass out.

How drunk you get depends on stuff like how much you drank, how used to booze you are, and how much you weigh.

Drugs can mess you up too. They can make you feel happy, relaxed or even see things that aren’t there. But different drugs do different things, and it’s hard to predict how they’ll affect you.

More so, it all depends on what drug you took, how much, and how your body handles it.

Intoxication isn’t just a personal problem; it affects everyone around you too. When you’re messed up, you might do stupid stuff like drive drunk or have risky sex.

Doing this regularly can mess up your health big time, leading to stuff like liver damage, brain problems or addiction.

Getting drunk or high can also land you in trouble with the law. In many places, driving while intoxicated is a serious crime that can get you fined, lose your license or even go to jail.

Also, people might look down on you or treat you differently if they know you’re always getting wasted.

Ways to Detect Intoxication Early in Order to Prevent Accidents

Imagine wearing cool gadgets that can tell if you have had a bit too much to drink. These smart devices have fancy sensors and brainy algorithms that can notice even tiny changes in things like your heart rate and blood pressure.

Some of them can even analyze your sweat to figure out if you’ve been sipping on something.

If these gadgets sense that you might be getting a little too tipsy, they can send quick alerts to you and maybe even to the folks in charge, helping to stop accidents before they happen.

Handy Apps on Your Phone

Now, think of having phone apps that act like your personal sobriety check. With these clever apps, you can blow into a special device connected to your phone, and the app will tell you if you have had too much to drink.

Some apps go the extra mile, using fancy computer smarts to check how you talk and move around. This way, before you jump into activities where accidents could happen, you can check if you are good to go.

Additionally, know that cars only start for people who haven’t been hitting the bottle. These car systems use things like fingerprints or eye scans to make sure only sober people can start the engine.

They are like a super-smart bouncer for your car, making it tough for anyone who’s had a bit too much to drive. Also, this clever invention is all about preventing accidents caused by people who shouldn’t be behind the wheel.

Eyes That Keep an Eye on You

Ever heard of eyes that can tell if you’re not in the best shape? Some smart technology tracks your eye movements to figure out if you’ve been hitting the drinks.

Imagine this in cars or buses – it can catch folks who might be drunk and stop accidents from happening. You can even have this eye-tracking technology in wearable gadgets that keep an eye on you wherever you go.

Now, think about cups and glasses which are like little detectives checking what’s inside. These smart cups can tell exactly how much alcohol is in your drink by looking at the liquid’s chemical makeup.

They are perfect for parties or get-togethers, helping you keep an eye on how much you are drinking and avoiding those situations where you have had a bit too much.

Clever Tattoos and Patches

So, tattoos and patches that do more than just look cool – they keep you safe. These clever wearables can check your sweat or the fluid under your skin to see if you have been drinking.

The best part?

They’re so sneaky, no one even notices them. Imagine having these cool tattoos or patches that silently watch out for you, making sure you stay safe and preventing accidents caused by drinking too much.

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